Monday, August 12, 2019

Back to Work on the OASIS

Layout Update for August 2019

Work resumes on the Owensville Terminal Railroad after sitting idle for over a year.

The backdrop panels for the ends of the layout have been installed. Priming the backdrop starts with the first coat of primer. I'm using a flat white interior wall paint.

The sky color was applied with a foam brush. The first coat was streaky and looked horrible. I ditched the foam brush and painted a second coat with a soft bristle brush. It looks much better, but the sky is now a solid color without any variation. I will change the flat look by painting atmospheric effects and clouds.

The end panel on the right will one day have a photo of a railroad crossing applied to it. I'm still searching for an image online that will fit the bill. I still need to finish running bus wires to the right side of the layout. Feeder wires need to be soldered to the rails, then dropped down underneath the layout. I will be able to start with painting the track, scenery, and ballasting the track after installing the feeder wires.

Until next time,



  1. Looking great! Can't wait to see the scenery details take shape.

    1. Thanks, Matt! I'm looking forward to scenery work! Next to operations, scenery work is my favorite.
