I'm going back to a sectional layout using the domino benchwork from my old 4 x 6 layout. I decided to go with this type of layout over the semi-permanent one I had designed several months ago. Portability has its advantages, and I decided to stick with this type of layout.
The track plan is based on an idea I have been kicking around for several years. I have created a few other versions, but the other track plans would have required the construction of new benchwork. This plan doesn't.
The location is the town of Owensville, Missouri. The Owensville Terminal Railroad 4th Street Yard is located on the top leg, and the Rock Island Yard is located on the right leg of the track plan.
I will have to decide whether or not to go with code 83 or code 100 track. I will have to purchase all new track if I go with code 83, but could start building right away if I stick with code 100. The plan is to take a little time thinking about it before going with one or the other.