Saturday, January 20, 2018

Final Track Plan

I have updated the track plan to reflect the actual track work on the layout. (Updated 2/3/21)

Owensville Agricultural Switching & Industrial Services (OASIS v 4.2)

This layout build is a variation of the TOMA (The One Module Approach) method that is discussed at the MRH Web Site





Until next time, 



  1. It looks great Tom. Keep up the great work.

  2. I guess that the two tracks on the lower right part of the plan are the interchange tracks, what are the rest going to be?

  3. I will be answering your question on my next post. It may be a day or two before I get around to posting. Thanks for the question.

  4. I'm so sorry for jumping the gun. I will be waiting patiently, but still eagerly. You take your time and get settled in.

  5. Great work so far! I will be following this closely.
